Marital Matters

Personal stories about marital matters and separation issues.

June 01, 2008

who’s the boss?

Sissy isn’t married but her future – and that of everyone on this planet – depends upon who becomes the next president and she is upset that a promise Barack Obama made to his wife, Michelle, to quit smoking when he entered the presidential race is now being used against him because it is a promise he cannot keep under extreme stress and Michelle should have known this.

“If Obama loses the presidency because of smoking lapses and poor performance then Michelle will very likely get blamed for the fallout,” says Sissy, “and we really need to know whether Obama is his own man in the marriage or is Michelle the boss?”

“Knowing everything he does about his 30-year smoking habit,” says Sissy, “I just cannot believe that it was his decision to quit smoking at the most stressful time in his life – running for president - when he needs to be alert, focused and calm at all times – and I am shocked that his wife would demand this from him at the most critical time in his career.”

“His smoking didn’t bother her when they married, or when they had kids, so why would it bother her now?” asks Sissy. “And what idiot filled his head with illusions that he’s a god and can quit smoking as easily as he can walk on water and be everything to everybody?”

“Whenever I see Obama giving a speech these days he sounds confused and lost, he makes more slip-ups than George Bush ever did and he always reads from notes – probably written by somebody else,” says Sissy. “This is particularly noticeable after watching Hillary Clinton, who just shoots from the hip without any notes whatsoever and rarely slips up.”

“It’s easy to see who’s the boss in the Clinton marriage!”

Read more by Sissy on this issue:

  • once a smoker always a smoker

  • Barack Obama Smokes?

  • backing a winner?

  • addictive friends

  • peace up in smoke?

  • walking on water

  • a life changing vote

  • candidates and spouses

  • and check out:

  • Secrets of Barack Obama’s Age

  • Obama, Clinton or McCain?

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