Marital Matters

Personal stories about marital matters and separation issues.

August 30, 2012

head for the bar, but zip lips!

Gemma is separated and understandably wants to drown her sorrows at the local bar, but because she genuinely wants to find a nice new guy and start a family she is well aware of the necessity to zip her lips while she is going through this part of her breakup recovery.

"I headed straight for the bar when my marriage ended," confesses Gemma, "and I know that guys who hang around bars, plying vulnerable women like me with alcohol - wanting to know everything about us - are more likely to be screwers than guardian angels - but I'm hoping the new guy I met at a bar is going to be good for me."

"Alcohol, of course, helps to loosen lips," laughs Gemma, "and that's something I have to watch, too."

"I'm learning to protect myself by zipping my lips with new guys, and going easy on the alcohol," says Gemma. "I'm doing this not only to protect myself but also to increase my value."

"Under the influence of alcohol and soft lights and a broken heart I risk being held to ransom by a good-listening screwer," says Gemma, "so I don't make big of little things any more."

"Wanting to know these things is a screwing tactic in itself. I've been down this road so many times before,” says Gemma. “I drink to be happy, to forget the past, not to sink into misery – this is my breakup recovery plan and I’m sticking to it.”

"I want to trust my new guy but I'm not telling him everything straight away - I'm deliberately holding back to spare myself another crushing break-up."

Read more about Gemma:

  • karmic connection guys
  • vulnerability to guardian angels
  • be mysterious and survive